-Pioneer in the field of Medicine-
Dr.Elizabeth Blackwell
By Mikayla G.
Elizabeth Blackwell Primary Sources
Here are a few primary sources I have found in my research on Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell.
'Laws of Life'
Elizabeth Blackwell.
Lectures on the Laws of Life,
with Special Reference to the
Physical Education of Girls
London: Sampson Low, Son & Marston, 1871
National Library of Medicine
'Medical Education of Women'
Elizabeth and Emilie Blackwell.
Address on the Medical Education of Women.
New York: Baptist & Taylor, 1864
National Library of Medicine
'Elizabeth's Medical Degree Diploma'
Courtesy of the Geneva Historical Society.
'Blackwell Stamp'
The stamp issued in 1974 by the United
States Postal Service in honor of
Elizabeth Blackwell.
Courtesy of Schlesinger Library
Harrison, P. 2015, ‘Elizabeth Blackwell’s struggle to become a doctor.’, https://www.radcliffe.harvard.edu/news/schlesinger-newsletter/elizabeth-blackwells-struggle-become-doctor, Viewed 20/06/2015
U.S. National Library of Medicine, 18th July 2013, “That Girl There Is Doctor In Medicine” Elizabeth Blackwell, America’s first Woman M.D., http://www.nlm.nih.gov/exhibition/blackwell/career.html, Viewed 21/06/2015
Hobart and William Colleges, Isabella Comstock, ENG 213 ARCHIVES PROJECT AT THE GENEVA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, http://www.hws.edu/about/blackwell_history.aspx, Viewed 20/06/2015