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Timeline of Elizabeth Blackwell



1821 - Elizabeh was born in Bristol, Engand.




1832 - The Blackwell family immigrated to New York.




1845 - Elizabeth went to Asheville, where she read medicine in the home of Dr. John Dickson.



1847 - She was accepted to study as a student at Geneva Medical College.



1849 - Elizabeth Blackwell graduated Geneva Medical College to become the first female medical student of the time.





1852 - She wrote and published a book on her lectures called 'Laws of Life'




1854 - She adopted Katherine Barry as her own daughter.




1857- Elizabeth, along with her sister Emily and Dr. Marie Zakrzewska, founded the New York Infirmary.




1859 - She became the first female to have her name on the General Medical Council's Register.








1863 - Elizabeth and her sister, Emily, both help out in the Civil War as nurses.




1874 - Elizabeth helped start the London School of Medicine for Women.






1895 - "Pioneer Work in the Opening the Medical Profession to Women", her autobiography got published.








1910 - Elizabeth Blackwell passed in Hastings, Sussex England. 


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